Happy holidays! This article was written from a talk I gave at Web
Directions Developer Summit 2024, and originally
published as Day 18 of the 2024 Planet Performance Web Performance Advent
Thanks to John Allsopp for the idea, Stoyan Stefanov for the original platform,
and Barry Pollard for reviewing the article before publication!
or navigation speculation, is the concept of predicting (speculating about)
which page a user might visit next and doing some or all of the work to load
that page before they visit it. This way, if the user does end up navigating to
the page, it appears to load much faster. Browsers have offered several types of
resource hints to enable speculation for many years, but many of these
interfaces have been clunky and inflexible to use. Google has recently
introduced the Speculation Rules API in Chromium, designed to make it easier to
prefetch and prerender documents for future navigations.
When you navigate to a URL, the flow for the browser looks something like:
- do a DNS lookup on the domain name
- execute the TCP handshake to open a connection to the server
- execute the TLS handshake to agree on how to secure the connection (at least,
I hope it’s doing this!)
- request the document from the server
- receive document from server
- parse document, request and receive subresources, execute scripts, etc
- paint final result to your screen
There are many stages in this workflow, and existing resource hints allow us to
carry out several of them in advance. However, these often have limitations
which should be understood to avoid wasted work. For example:
- dns-prefetch
does the DNS lookup in advance
- preconnect
does the DNS lookup, TCP handshake, and TLS handshake, so the connection is
ready to go when a resource is requested; however, browsers close an unused
connection after 10 seconds, so you shouldn’t preconnect unless you’re going
to use the connection soon.
- prefetch
fetches resources so they’re already cached and don’t need to be downloaded on
navigation. This relies on the browser’s HTTP cache, so it’s subject to being
blocked by Cache-Control headers, and can’t be used for cross-site speculation
due to cache
These speculations also require the developer to explicitly identify the
resource/URL that should be speculated on, and trigger the speculation itself.
For example, this might be based on user behaviour: you could insert a new
<link rel="prefetch">
tag to prefetch the target when a link is hovered over
or clicked on. Another approach might be to use your site’s navigation metrics
to determine likely navigation flows based on user activity, and speculate on
the most likely next destinations.
Google’s Speculation Rules
API, which is
available in Chromium-based browsers since Chrome 109, offers a more ergonomic
and full-featured approach to prefetch and prerender. As of December 2024, there
is no support yet in Firefox (see the tracking
issue for their
position on the feature, which they recently changed to “positive”/”interested
in implementing” for prefetch and “neutral” for prerender) or Safari (tracking
issue here). However,
as it’s a progressive API, you can use it and browsers that don’t support it
will simply ignore it. You can use feature-detection to fall back to supported
forms of speculation if you wish.
What’s different about the Speculation Rules API?
Prerender is the big deal when it comes to Speculation Rules. Chrome itself now
prerenders some pages when you use the browser’s address bar to navigate or
search, and when you navigate using the bookmark bar. The Speculation Rules API
allows developers to trigger the same kind of prerender to load their own pages.
While there’s a legacy prerender interface <link
(which is, like Speculation Rules, only supported in Chromium) it doesn’t
trigger a full prerender – the feature was originally implemented as a full
prerender but as this was too resource-heavy and complex to
it was replaced with NoState
Prefetch. This type of
prefetch will fetch the specified resource and a limited set of its
subresources, populating the HTTP cache as for <link rel="prefetch">
, but
doesn’t render the page or execute any scripts.
Speculation Rules prerender, on the other hand, is a full prerender. When a
Speculation Rules prerender is triggered, Chrome renders the target page in an
invisible tab, using a per-document, in-memory cache. When the user subsequently
navigates to that prerendered page, the browser makes that invisible tab active;
the resulting user experience is that the page loaded (almost) instantly,
because it was already rendered and everything was in memory. This is beneficial
even if the user navigates before the page finishes prerendering: the browser
still activates the invisible tab immediately and continues the rendering
process, and since the page was already partially loaded, the user doesn’t have
to wait as long for it to load from scratch.
Because this method actually renders the page and executes most JavaScript, it’s
also able to load subresources that are loaded via JavaScript, unlike <link
Speculation Rules prefetch uses the same per-document in-memory cache as
prerender to store prefetched documents. Since it doesn’t rely on the HTTP
cache, it doesn’t get blocked by Cache-Control headers, but it can still
populate the HTTP cache given suitable response headers. However, as it’s a
document-based prefetch and doesn’t parse the document, it can’t prefetch
subresources – if you want to do that, you’ll still need to use one of the
existing approaches where you can specify the subresources explicitly.
Another tradeoff of the Speculation Rules API being designed for navigation
between documents is that it works only for multi-page apps. Single page apps
don’t do real page navigations that the browser manages, even if they’re using a
router that makes it look like the page URL is changing – they only fetch new
data to render within the current document. So you could prerender the single
page app itself from a previous page, and that could help with the initial
load time of the app, but you can’t use Speculation Rules for navigations
within it.
As previously mentioned, legacy approaches to speculation are fairly inflexible
in how resources to be speculated on are specified – the developer needs to
specify the exact resource to be fetched, and determine when to trigger
speculation. The Speculation Rules syntax is more flexible, and it allows the
browser to do a lot of the work in deciding what to speculate on and when.
Under the Speculation Rules API, you use JSON to define rules that tell the
browser what to speculatively load. You can still specify exact URLs, but you
can also define rules about how to match links in the current page: the
browser will scan over all the anchor and area tags in the document to look for
links, and find the ones that match the rules. You can pattern-match URLs and
match by CSS selector, and you can combine and negate conditions. This is much
nicer than having to create <link>
elements for each URL explicitly.
Additionally, you can set an eagerness level for each rule, which hints how
important this speculation is and lets the browser take care of it. In order of
importance, these levels are:
– the browser should trigger this speculation as soon as possible
– at present, Chrome treats this the same way as immediate
– currently triggered after hovering the link for 200ms (or on
if that’s earlier)
– to minimise resource wastage, the browser should only start
the speculation when the user activates the link (on touch or pointer down, a
few milliseconds ahead of the actual click being registered)
While Chrome currently implements these eagerness levels as described above,
future browser developers could choose their own heuristics for determining an
increased likelihood of navigating to the link. You should consider the
characteristics of your site when you’re choosing how eager the speculation
should be – if your pages are just static HTML, speculating on that is going to
create a lot less overhead than if you have really heavy pages with a lot of
Javascript, where you might want to be more conservative because the impact of
that potential wasted work is higher.
Note that Chrome will also consider resource constraints and user settings in
determining how to prioritise speculation. In addition to users being able to
disable speculation completely, there are several
why Chrome might disable or deprioritise speculation, including (but certainly
not limited to) the computer being in battery saver mode or low on memory. Note
that not all the reason codes are implemented in Chrome (for example, “low
bandwidth” isn’t implemented); additionally, some (such as service workers)
apply only to prefetch, and others (cookies) apply only to cross-origin
There are also
to how many speculations will be done at a time. For example, the browser will
queue at most two moderate or conservative speculations. If a third non-eager
speculation is triggered, the first one will be cancelled, because the user is
more likely to follow the link they’re currently interacting with.
How to use the Speculation Rules API
Rules can be inserted directly into the page using a <script
element, eg:
<script type="speculationrules">
"prerender": [
"where": { "selector_matches": ".prerender-me" },
"eagerness": "eager"
"where": { "href_matches": "/*bunnypics*" },
"eagerness": "moderate"
"prefetch": [
"where": { "selector_matches": ".prefetch-me" },
"eagerness": "immediate"
or defined in one or more files and specified using a Speculation-Rules
which allows use of the API without having to change the document itself:
Speculation-Rules: "/rules/prefetch.json","/rules/prerender.json"
Limitations and considerations
As the Speculation Rules API is specifically designed for navigation, it can
sometimes be used to speculate on
cross-site or
navigation. Specifically:
- The site is a boundary for privacy. Same-site prefetches, whether
same- or cross-origin, are allowed, because prefetch doesn’t execute scripts
and the speculation doesn’t cross the privacy boundary. However, cross-site
prefetches only work if the browser doesn’t already have cookies set for the
destination site. This prevents sites from tracking user activity through
prefetches, using existing cookies. In future, Chromium may allow cross-site
prefetches via opt-in from the destination server.
- The origin is a boundary for security. Prerender executes scripts
which may be a security risk, so while same-origin prerender is permitted,
cross-origin/same-site prerender is only allowed if the destination server
opts in using the Supports-Loading-Mode response
Cross-site prerender is not allowed.
However, even with the built-in limitations, it’s important to note that there
are still privacy considerations when using speculation! Prefetching a page
intrinsically provides the destination server with information about who the
user is and what page they’re currently browsing – in fact, the act of
prefetching in itself could reveal information about their setup. For example,
since speculation is blocked in energy saver mode, the act of speculating
implies the user isn’t using that mode. Similarly, if the speculation rules are
based on analyzing user activity and predicting where people with similar usage
patterns go next, making a prefetch request could leak information about what
kind of pages the user has visited. It’s important to consider the privacy
tradeoffs when choosing to use speculation – the API alone won’t protect you
from everything. For reasons like these, speculation is often disabled in the
browser by privacy-focused extensions like uBlock
You should also keep in mind that even though prefetching and prerendering can
make navigation faster for your users, it’s not a substitute for optimising
your download sizes. That data is going to be transferred whether you do it
before or after navigation, so it’s still subject to all the normal constraints,
like slow internet connections or data transfer limits – and speaking as a
platform engineer, you’re still paying for the bandwidth!
This makes speculative loading a bit of a gamble. If it works out well, it can
have great benefits and your users will love you for making their experience so
fast! But if you load the wrong things, it’ll cost you and your users, in wasted
data transfer, resource usage, and potentially extreme confusion.
The obvious case is if the user doesn’t end up visiting that page next.
Everything else you prefetch or prerender gets discarded from the in-memory
cache if you navigate to a different page, so if you prerender two possible next
destinations from the current page, at least one of those is going to be thrown
out on navigation, maybe both. It doesn’t matter if there would have been a
subsequent navigation to the other page – the cached prerender is already gone!
If your prerender stored anything in the HTTP cache, that will still be there,
but even with this small benefit you still probably want to avoid a wasted
prerender because it’s doing so much background work. You might decide you’re
okay with this scenario for a prefetch, because it’s much lighter on resources.
However, the page might also change before it’s loaded! Consider the case of
prerendering a thread on a discussion forum, where the comments depend on server
state. If another user posts a new comment after your browser prerenders the
thread and then you navigate to the prerendered page, the comments are out of
date – that isn’t so bad. But if you’re a moderator on the forum and you just
deleted a comment, then you navigate to the prerendered thread and it looks like
it’s still there, that’s confusing.
That also applies for state that’s changed by the user. Say you visit a site
that defaults to dark mode, and you switch to light mode. Your preference is
saved locally in your browser, without reloading the page. Then you navigate to
the next page, but it was prerendered before you changed to light mode, so it
shows up in dark mode – that’s confusing too!
In these situations, it’s best for pages to know how to refresh themselves if
the state might change. However, you won’t always have control over the pages
you’re prerendering or the server they come from, so you need to be aware of
these possibilities.
It gets worse, though – these examples demonstrated the user seeing an
inconsistent state, which was inconvenient but mostly confusing to the user. But
another pattern where it’s not safe to prerender or prefetch is where making a
request for a page has side effects – it initiates some action or has some
effect that you don’t want to trigger until you actually navigate there. For
example, requesting the page could log the user out, change their preferred
language, or use up free articles on a paywalled site. If you have control over
the server those pages are coming from, you can detect that the request is
because of a prefetch or prerender and defer those actions until the navigation
actually happens.
Similarly, there are a number of web and browser APIs and
that are deferred or restricted when prerendering by default, because they
trigger behaviours that shouldn’t activate until the page is activated. For
example, you don’t want video or audio to start playing for a page you haven’t
navigated to yet!
Debugging speculation rules
Fortunately for developers, Chrome has implemented new developer tools that help
to see how speculation is working, but are particularly handy to figure out why
it’s not working. They provide a useful guide for debugging speculation
in their developer documentation.
See it in action
I used this speculation rules demo for the Web Directions talk that this article was based on. I’ll link the
video here for more context when it’s available, but feel free to contact me if
you have any questions!
Further reading: